Our office deals with procedures before various administrative authorities, as well as in front of dependencies in three levels of government.
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The patent is a concession between the government and the applicant. For a defined period (maximum for 20 years), the latter acquires exclusive rights over his invention and in return, the inventor agrees to make the public domain his invention. This means that, although the holder retains the rights for an invention.
Request a serviceWe provide free advice, quality, honesty and professionalism regarding the service offered.

We carry out your paperwork before the government and if that were not enough, we support you with advice so that your brand is not affected for any reason. Remember that the objective for your company to be recognized is to distinguish yourself from your competitors and thus be able to generate money to your company without any problem.
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It arises from the fact of meeting the needs of our customers. The idea is to be aware of each and every one of the contracts that you sign and that the company is always protected, facing and resolving the difficulties that may arise in the life of a contract. We work with contracts of all kinds, but especially in the oil sectors.
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It arises from the fact of meeting the needs of our customers. The idea is to be aware of each and every one of the contracts that you sign and that the company is always protected.
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Social Security is subject to such a wide and complex regulation, that companies, in order to optimize their human and material resources, inevitably require a relevant legal advice and defense. On the other hand, over the last few years, state and municipal contributions have acquired special relevance.
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As the amparo trial is a means of defending the Constitution to protect the human rights of individuals against violations of any authority.

In Genis, Rangel y Asociados, SC, we also know of foreign litigation and issues in mining, immigration, labor and criminal matters, through our specialist Associates and leaders in these branches of law.
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